TeraBox 1100L server stack

Network Acceleration

Manage, Move and Manipulate Packets at 1-400G

When are FPGAs right for network acceleration?

Many important networking functions now depend upon FPGA-based hardware acceleration. In general, such functions fall into one of four categories:

bullet 1

Functions evolving too quickly for ASIC solutions

Most often in security: Anti-DDoS for example. Also high-frequency trading (HFT/Fintech) where competitive algos change regularly.

bullet 3

Functions too new to harden into ASIC

ASICs are expensive to justify for modest-volume applications. Early-to-market speeds like 56G PAM4 enabling 400G are first available on FPGAs.

bullet 2

Too specialized to justify ASIC implementation

This is seen in real-time packet capture and filtering for Lawful Intercept (LI) and functional testing of high line-rate equipment in excess of 100Gbps.

Bullet 4

Quickly emerging proprietary functionality that previously ran on CPUs

CPUs struggle handling network tasks like DPI above 10 GbE, creating a need for offload at 40+ GbE rates. Adopting an FPGA-based solution is challenging—which is why we provided reference designs and services to help.

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Custom IP

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BittWare’s Suite of Network Acceleration Tools

Building a SmartNIC application in an FPGA?
Save time by starting with one of our reference designs and build on BittWare hardware:

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