Dynamic Neural Accelerator from EdgeCortix
Go Back to IP & Solutions Dynamic Neural Accelerator ML Framework EdgeCortix Dynamic Neural Accelerator (DNA), is a flexible IP core for deep learning inference
BittWare has put two decades of product design experience into creating a mature and robust suite of development tools that is tightly integrated with its FPGA products. These tools for system development and FPGA development shorten our customers’ learning curve while increasing their productivity, allowing them to reduce development costs and shorten their time to market.
With a range of FPGAs on our products, we are pleased to also support several native development platforms from Achronix, AMD, and Intel.
ACE Design Tools
Quartus Design Software
Vivado Design Suite
From native HDL to the latest high-level software-driven tool flows, BittWare’s products support a variety of development needs.
The latest high-level tool flow from Intel is oneAPI, and BittWare is pleased to play a leading role in bringing support for this innovative development platform to FPGA solutions. Learn more and watch our exclusive oneAPI webinar with Intel (on demand recording) featuring a 2D FFT demo.
A core benefit to BittWare FPGA products is our software: the BittWare SDK. The SDK works alongside card-specific features like Card Support Packages (CSPs) and Baseboard Management Controllers (BMCs).
BittWorks II Toolkit provides software support for BittWare’s UltraScale+ and Arria 10 FPGA cards.
Go Back to IP & Solutions Dynamic Neural Accelerator ML Framework EdgeCortix Dynamic Neural Accelerator (DNA), is a flexible IP core for deep learning inference
Efficient Sharing of FPGA Resources in oneAPI Building a Butterfly Crossbar Switch to Solve Resource Sharing in FPGAs The Shared Resource Problem FPGA cards usually
Meet the Powerful IA-840f: Enterprise-Class Intel Agilex Based FPGA Accelerator > Flexible, Customizable Hardware > oneAPI Software Support Buy at Mouser Tap Into the Power
Article FPGA Neural Networks The inference of neural networks on FPGA devices Introduction The ever-increasing connectivity in the world is generating ever-increasing levels of data.